How to Make Your Own Luck
Kim Kardashian is right…? Sigh… As much as it KILLS me to admit it, Kim Kardashian said something brilliant the other day: “There is this generation of young people – girls – who are beautiful but don’t have a strong work ethic,” said Kim… “People sometimes think that with looks things will be easy, but…

FEAR (is awesome)?
You know what feels (sometimes really, excruciatingly) bad and then later on feels SO MUCH BETTER? Breakthroughs. Breakthroughs usually feel bad before they feel good. And that can be confusing because we like to avoid feeling bad and move toward feeling good as a general rule.<===Usually a smart move… Sometimes, however, it can stop us from growing and living the…

Patrick King: Conversation Tactics for Life, Business, and Dating
Patrick King is a Best-Selling Author and Social Interaction Specialist In this episode of the Jim Wolfe Show, Patrick King and I discuss how to start conversations with anyone, the best way to respond to anything they say, how to hold conversations with people longer without forcing it, and how to be wittier. We also…

Patrick James: Should You Quit Your Job and Start Your Own Business?
Patrick James is Amercia’s Charisma Consultant for Men In this episode of the Jim Wolfe Show, Patrick James and I discuss his decision to quit dental school and start his own business. Now that it’s been almost exactly one year since he left dental school, we talk about whether or not it’s been worth it,…

Visualization that WORKS
I’m a practical guy. The only thing I really care about is RESULTS. Is everything you’re doing actually moving you closer to your ideal life in a healthy, sustainable way, and are you still able to feel good about yourself and enjoy life along the way? Will you actually get the results you seek if…

Affirmations Not Working? Try This…
Ever had a conversation in your head like this: (You trying to force an affirmation on yourself): “I’m wealthy.” Your mind: “No I’m not!” “I’m really good with women.” “Yeah, right…” “I’m an incredibly successful guy.” “LOL!” Affirmations have been shown to work if you already somewhat believe what you’re saying. So if you actually do think you’re wealthy…

The Truth About Social Anxiety
*This article is about general social anxiety. If you have experienced trauma or may have a chemical imbalance, I’m not qualified to help you. I would seek professional help as soon as possible for those issues.* There’s a dirty little secret about social anxiety that celebrities, presidents, kings, and sports stars don’t want you to know…

5 Books All Badasses Should Read
Did you know that Warren Buffet, one of the richest men on the planet, reads for 8 hours a day? When he first started in his career, he read 600-1,000 pages a day (seriously). He’s 84 years old now and he says he’s still trying to strip away his ignorance one page at a time.<===What a badass…

Atkins Slow-Carb Paleo Intermittent Fasting Vegan Vegetarian Jared’s “Subway Diet” Juice Cleanse… Need I go on? How many DIETS will we possibly try before we give up? No matter how you eat right now and no matter what your BELIEFS are about nutrition, here is the ACTUAL truth: There is no consensus yet among scientists on…

Female Psychology: What Women REALLY Want
Are You Giving or Begging? So far, I’ve found that there are just about 7 ways to get something that you want in life: Begging for it, Fighting/Competing for it, Stealing it, Tricking other people into giving it to you, Randomly finding it or “getting lucky”/accidentally getting it Exchanging something for it, and Attracting it by giving FREELY…