Audio Exercises

All of the exercises contained in Level Up (except #1, 6, & 7) are posted here in audio form for easy reference.

  1. Self-Worth: Write this down: I am amazing because I’m_____________. (Write your name in the blank).

Once you have a foundational sense of self-worth, your mind MUST have a “target” to shoot for in order to change your life for the better. Having this specific, clear target written down and making progress toward it is one definition of success. Having a target will pull you forward instead of you having to “push yourself.” You should give your mind both an “internal” and “external” target to focus on as you live your everyday life.

  1. Internal Target = Your Legend
  2. External Target = Your Mission

If you do nothing else, do these two exercises. They are by far the most critical exercises in Level Up in my opinion. Create a Legend and Mission you can be proud of and work toward.

Everything else you do will either bring you closer or move you further away from these two mental targets. Having these targets in mind and having them written down will help you every single day with all of your thoughts, decisions, emotions, and behaviors. They help you live a life of your own creation instead of one that is externally motivated.

The following exercises help you develop your Legend and Mission if you get stuck and help you progress toward them once you have a clear Legend and Mission:

  1. Self-Image Reflection Questions
  2. Your Heroes
  3. Letter from Your Older Self
  4. Vision Board
  5. Meditation/Visualization
  6. Create Support Structures

The following exercises help you move through a particular sticking point or give you a boost:

  1. Your Mental Boardroom
  2. Rub Your New Self All Over You Exercise
  3. Empowering Thought Loops
  4. Love Dogpile Visualization
  5. Self-Love Reflection Questions
  6. Value Generator – Questions that will help you add more value to the world
  7. Removing Judgment
  8. Empowering Reflection Questions
  9. Question and Remove Limiting Beliefs
  10. Accept Your Time
  11. Your Tribe
  12. Meaning Generator Exercise
  13. Dear Jim Letter